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EPF North
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Civil Society
Armenian-Azerbaijani Dialogue
Media Products
Media by EPF
EPF In Media
Civil Society
Data for Accountable and Transparent Action Program (DATA)
Քաղաքականությունների վերլուծության և հետազոտության կրթաթոշակներ
Քաղաքականությունների վերլուծության և հետազոտության կրթաթոշակներ
Քաղաքականությունների վերլուծության և հետազոտության կրթաթոշակներ
Քաղաքականությունների վերլուծության և հետազոտության կրթաթոշակներ
Քաղաքականությունների վերլուծության և հետազոտության կրթաթոշակներ
“Networking for Policy Improvement”: DATA Network Consortiums’ Projects
“Networking for Policy Improvement”: DATA Network Consortiums’ Projects
“Networking for Policy Improvement”: DATA Network Consortiums’ Projects
“Networking for Policy Improvement”: DATA Network Consortiums’ Projects
“Networking for Policy Improvement”: DATA Network Consortiums’ Projects
DATA Media Resources (in Armenian)
DATA Media Resources (in Armenian)
DATA Media Resources (in Armenian)
DATA Media Resources (in Armenian)
DATA Media Resources (in Armenian)
DATA Analyses and Research on Public Policies
DATA Analyses and Research on Public Policies
DATA Analyses and Research on Public Policies
DATA Analyses and Research on Public Policies
DATA Analyses and Research on Public Policies
Evidence-Based Policy Development Training Materials
Evidence-Based Policy Development Training Materials
Evidence-Based Policy Development Training Materials
Evidence-Based Policy Development Training Materials
Evidence-Based Policy Development Training Materials
Civil Society Organizations Development Program (CSO DePo) (2014-2019)
CSO DePo “CSO Sustainability Strategy” Grant Supports 21 Organizations
CSO DePo “CSO Sustainability Strategy” Grant Supports 21 Organizations
CSO DePo “CSO Sustainability Strategy” Grant Supports 21 Organizations
CSO DePo “CSO Sustainability Strategy” Grant Supports 21 Organizations
CSO DePo “CSO Sustainability Strategy” Grant Supports 21 Organizations
CSO Capacity Enhancement Tool (CET)
CSO Capacity Enhancement Tool (CET)
CSO Capacity Enhancement Tool (CET)
CSO Capacity Enhancement Tool (CET)
CSO Capacity Enhancement Tool (CET)
CSO Management School
CSO Management School
CSO Management School
CSO Management School
CSO Management School
DePo Web Portal
DePo Web Portal
DePo Web Portal
DePo Web Portal
DePo Web Portal
CSO Market Research
CSO Market Research
CSO Market Research
CSO Market Research
CSO Market Research
Bridge4CSOs (2017-2019)
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Economic Development
YouthBank and Economic Development
YouthBank and Economic Development
YouthBank and Economic Development
YouthBank and Economic Development
SME DNC YouthBank project
SME DNC YouthBank project
SME DNC YouthBank project
SME DNC YouthBank project
SME DNC YouthBank project
Engaging Civil Society in Monitoring Conflict of Interest Policies Project (2013 - 2015)
Social Enterprise (2009 - 2011)
Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Promoting Human and Labor Rights in Armenia through GSP+ (2018-2019)
Raising Awareness of UN Human Rights Mechanisms among Armenian Civil Society Organizations (2016-2017)
Promoting Religious Tolerance and Non-discrimination in Armenia (2015-2017)
Regional Conference. Contemporary Issues of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Armenia, Georgia and beyond
Regional Conference. Contemporary Issues of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Armenia, Georgia and beyond
Regional Conference. Contemporary Issues of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Armenia, Georgia and beyond
Regional Conference. Contemporary Issues of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Armenia, Georgia and beyond
Regional Conference. Contemporary Issues of Freedom of Religion or Belief in Armenia, Georgia and beyond
Towards Adoption of Anti-discrimination Legislation in Armenia (2015)
Promoting Non-discrimination in Armenia: Roundtable discussions (2015)
Promoting Non-discrimination in Armenia: Roundtable discussions (2015)
Promoting Non-discrimination in Armenia: Roundtable discussions (2015)
Promoting Non-discrimination in Armenia: Roundtable discussions (2015)
Promoting Non-discrimination in Armenia: Roundtable discussions (2015)
Assessing Involvement of Armenian NGOs in Preparation of Alternative Reports for the UN (2014-2015)
Assessing application of UN Mechanisms on Freedom of Religion in Armenia (2013-2014)
Protecting Child Rights of Religious Minority Groups in Armenia (2013 - 2014)
Promoting Religious Tolerance in Armenia, second stage (2013 - 2014)
Religious Tolerance In Armenia (2012 - 2013)
Article 27: Right to Freedom of Expression (2009 - 2013)
Freedom of Expression Project (2008 - 2009)
EPF Annual Media Award for the Best Coverage on Religious Tolerance
Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG)
Municipal Capacity Enhancement Tool (MCET)
Municipal Capacity Enhancement Tool (MCET)
Municipal Capacity Enhancement Tool (MCET)
Municipal Capacity Enhancement Tool (MCET)
Municipal Capacity Enhancement Tool (MCET)
School for Local Democracy
School for Local Democracy
School for Local Democracy
School for Local Democracy
School for Local Democracy
Hybrid Threats in EaP Countries: Building a Common Response (2019)
Adopting Experience on Bilateral EU-Moldova and EU-Georgia CS Platforms to Armenia
Social Enterprise (2009 - 2011)
Local Governance (2002 - 2005)
Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
SUB-GRANTS provided within the framework of “Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms” project
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Invited Grants Provided Within the Framework of Civil Society Support for Ensuring Impact on Reforms
Mobilizing Civil Society for Governance Reform
SME DNC YouthBank project
Cross-border Economic Development (CED)
Media for Informed Civic Engagement (MICE)
Investigative Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Investigative Journalism
Alternative Media Production
Alternative Media Production
Alternative Media Production
Alternative Media Production
Alternative Media Production
Fact Checking and Information Verification
Fact Checking and Information Verification
Fact Checking and Information Verification
Fact Checking and Information Verification
Fact Checking and Information Verification
Multimedia Long-read Production
Multimedia Long-read Production
Multimedia Long-read Production
Multimedia Long-read Production
Multimedia Long-read Production
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp
Support to Media Production
Support to Media Production
Support to Media Production
Support to Media Production
Support to Media Production
Alternative Resources in Media Program (2010 - 2013)
Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
Awarded Grants
"Mardamej" Social Innovation Camp Armenia (2011 - 2012)
Infotun Telecommunication Centers (2005 - 2009)
Regional Print Media (2006 - 2008)
Media Distribution Projects (2003 - 2007)
Armenian-Azerbaijani Dialogue
Linking Civil Society Peace Builders with Policy-level Stakeholders (2015-2016)
Community Youth Peacebuilding Through New Media (2011 - 2012)
Unbiased E-Media coverage in Armenia and Azerbaijan (2010 - 2011)
Unbiased Media Coverage of Armenia-Azerbaijan Relations Project (2008 - 2009)
Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process: Stage Two + (ATNP 2+) (2018)
Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process: Stage Two (2016-2018)
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
Grant Scheme
Grant Scheme
Grant Scheme
Grant Scheme
Grant Scheme
Exchange of Art and Architecture Experts
Exchange of Art and Architecture Experts
Exchange of Art and Architecture Experts
Exchange of Art and Architecture Experts
Exchange of Art and Architecture Experts
Expanding Economic Ties with Turkey (2014-2016)
Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process (2014-2015)
Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement (2010 - 2012)
Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement (2010)
Armenia-Turkey Cross-border Dialogue and Cooperation (2006 - 2009)
Research to identify the state of Armenian migrants in Turkey (2009)
Research to identify the state of Armenian migrants in Turkey (2009)
Research to identify the state of Armenian migrants in Turkey (2009)
Research to identify the state of Armenian migrants in Turkey (2009)
Research to identify the state of Armenian migrants in Turkey (2009)
Reducing Media Bias in Armenia and Turkey (2006 - 2009)
Engaging Civil Society in Monitoring Conflict of Interest Policies Project (2013 - 2015)
SIDA Open Door Grants (2010 - 2012)
Research on Eastern Partnership (2011 - 2012)
Eurasia Partnership Foundation’s Support of Higher Education Reform (2009 - 2010)
Corporate Social Investment (2006 - 2008)
Anticorruption (2007 - 2010)
Resource Centers for Community Development 2006-2008
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Human Rights
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Conflict Transformation
YouthBank and Economic Development
YouthBank and Economic Development
SME DNC YouthBank project
SME DNC YouthBank project
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank Exchange Visits
YouthBank and Community Development
YouthBank and Community Development
Getting Involved! -Strengthening Civic Engagement among Young People (2009)
EPF and Youth Bank work on Environment
Youth Bank Program in Armenia - since 2008