Linking Civil Society Peace Builders with Policy-level Stakeholders (2015-2016)

Linking Civil Society Peace Builders with Policy-level Stakeholders was implemented by Eurasia Partnership Armenia and Eurasia Partnership Azerbaijan with the financial support of Conflict Prevention Pool (United Kingdom).

The goal of the project was to support peace building activities over Nagorny Karabakh conflict through further development of a new cadre of informed Armenian and Azerbaijani civil society peace builders to harness the knowledge of experienced civil society leaders and policy level stakeholders from all sides of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, which would positively and innovatively contribute to the transformation of the conflict.

The project was built on the achievements of EPF’s extensive work, which has resulted in increased trust between a considerable number of young civic activists, journalists, and bloggers from Armenia and Azerbaijan, and stimulated informal dialogue between EPF and the state-level stakeholders regarding civil society cross-border dialogue initiatives.