Adopting Experience on Bilateral EU-Moldova and EU-Georgia CS Platforms to Armenia

Adopting Experience on Bilateral EU-Moldova and EU-Georgia CS Platforms to Armenia funded by EaP CSF Re-granting 2017 aims at analysing the experience and current situation in the EU-Georgia and the EU-Moldova bilateral civil society platforms and developing recommendations for the decision makers on both making changes and improvements in these platforms as well as using their experience in forming of similar platform between Armenia and the EU. To achieve this aim three organizations form Armenia, Georgia and Moldova jointly examine the existing experience, use the expertise of Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan civil society organizations, meet with respective stakeholders in all three countries and the EU, develop recommendations for all three countries, as well as present and advocate these recommendations to the decision makers. 

The project consist of study visits, development of analytical reports and recommendations addressed to Armenian, Georgian and Moldovan governments and the EU, presentation of the reports to the decision makers and the civil society and advocacy for improvements.

The expected result of the project is providing the decision makers with a well-formulated and knowledge-based set of recommendations as a civil society input to the institutionalization of the bi-lateral relations between the three EaP countries and the EU.