YouthBank and Community Development

EPF’s YouthBanks as part of Civic Engagement in Local Governance program, implement small-scale projects with local young people in their communities to enhance youth cooperation with local governements to solve issues of communities’ concern. YB members learn how local governments operate and how youth can involve in community improvement. YBs members conduct community surveys for becoming better aware of community needs to make decisions and initiate change in their communities.

Following the workshop and community surveys, YB announce a call for small-scale funding for community participation projects, conduct a number of outreach events and activities in order to encourage more young people to think about their community problems, see themselves as change agents, and apply fo YB funding.  In nine regions YBs receive more than 150 applications every year and manage 32 projects – small in scale, but big in impact.

Some examples of community projects include – rebuilding recreational areas, building a bus-stop in a remote village, renovating town stairways with a support rail, organizing cultural events, installing benches in villlage center and many others.