A movie screening on non-discrimination at Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex

On December 6, Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) held a movie screening of two educational documentary films on anti-discrimination and tolerance at Mkhitar Sebastatsi Educational Complex. “One society One Right” is a short educational documentary film, which through the use of infographics explains the concept of discrimination and covers major instances of discrimination  prevalent in Armenian society, existing problems and legislative gaps in the field. The hero of the “Persian Spagetti” film is Sargis, a former inmate of a children's home who tells about intolerance, his experience of friendship and interaction with the Muslims. Twenty-five school students from middle and high school participated at the discussion. The discussion was facilitated by Anush Margaryan, the manager of the “Towards Adoption of Antidiscrimination Legislation in Armenia” project, who also provided detailed information on the concept and various types of discrimination, Armenia’s international obligations, directing the participants throughout the discussions through concrete life examples.