Strategic Development Consultancy for EPF (closed)

Terms of Reference

Strategic Development Consultancy for EPF

(to be provided during EPF’s Staff Retreat)

Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) is in the process of growth. Currently, EPF implements several long-term multi-year consortium programs including CSO DePoCELoGMICE; as well as anti-discrimination and cross-border projects. 

Alongside with successful implementation of programs and projects, EPF faces growing organizational challenges related to stress mitigation, quality assurance, team building, multiplication of impact areas, emergency rapid response, and others. EPF wants to further build its strategic thinking capacity; skills to successfully and effectively navigate between conflicting groups; portfolio of services for conflict mitigation and constructive concerted action among members of consortiums and beneficiary networks. In addition, EPF is turning into an organization-media, which should help it to have a targeted impact on a variety of areas of Armenia’s development.

Therefore, for its annual staff retreat EPF is looking for an exceptionally qualified consultant or a team of consultants who should help address some or all of these above issues. The objective of the retreat should be the EPF’s strategic development. The incumbent(s) should be able to develop the scenario and run the retreat using the Methodology of Systemic Thought Activity (MSTA). EPF and other partner organizations used MSTA over the years to elaborate on a number of strategic activities. EPF believes that MSTA is the best method to address its needs related to the organizational growth. The applicant should have a long-standing experience in developing the scenario and running the retreat using MSTA.

Name of the consultancy/service:  Strategic Development Consultancy for EPF.


  • Develop the scenario for and run a three-day-long staff retreat based on the MSTA;
  • Assess EPF team’s capacities; advise on the best ways forward; and provide ideas for the most effective and efficient reform and development of EPF.

It is expected that the consultant(s) will a) create an interactive environment, which will stimulate communication, encourage creative thinking, strengthen relationships, and energize the team b) help EPF team develop problem solving strategies; c) move the team’s visions and network-building capacities to a new level; and d) advance organizational capabilities in other possible ways.

Scope of work:

  • Develop the staff retreat methodology and the scenario specifically tailored to EPF’s needs;
  • Organize, run and lead the plenaries and group work sessions based on the scenario, taking into account the organizational culture and the need in strategic development;
  • Introduce reflection, team-work, and other MSTA concepts based on the key words provided by EPF (the key words are based on EPF staff expectations);
  • Familiarize the EPF new staff with MSTA;
  • Consider how can MSTA be used in EPF’s daily work, if at all;
  • Develop a report on the outcomes of the staff retreat with recommendations on effective strategic development, as well as considerations regarding EPF staff capacities and best ways for organizing the work process.

Eligibility:  Applicants can be individuals, groups of individuals, or organizations

In order to bid successfully, interested applicants should possess:

  • At least five years’ experience organizing events based on MSTA;
  • A portfolio of consultancy services provided to well-known companies/organizations inside and outside Arme

The application should include:

  1. A letter of interest reflecting the relevant experience plus the portfolio of past services and organizations served (in a free format);
  2. A draft outline of the MSTA exercise proposed to EPF (draft scenario);
  3. A draft list of materials needed for the staff retreat (reading materials; media materials; other);
  4. Consultancy daily rates and the required number of days for consultancy; taking into account that the event will take three full days (10-12 hours a day) in a resort outside Yerevan; and there will be 25-30 participants;
  5. CV of the consultant(s) (in the case of a team, the applicants’ combined experience will be considered);

Please send the required documents either in Armenian or English to

In the subject line of your e-mail message, please indicate Strategic Consultancy and your name/the name of the organization.

Application deadline is 17:00 on July 1, 2016.

Shortlisted applicants may be invited for an interview.

Successful applicant(s) will be notified by July 8th, 2016.

There will be a meeting scheduled with the winning applicant to further familiarize themselves with EPF and to respond to EPF team’s questions.

The retreat is scheduled for July 18-20, 2016; dates may change within that week.

NOTE: In order to increase your chances to be considered, please do study EPF’s website www.epfarmenia.amand programmatic portfolio before applying. 


This announcement is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this announcement are the sole responsibility of Eurasia Partnership Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

Terms of Reference
