
“Fragments of Armenia’s Soviet Past: Tracing the Armenian-Azerbaijani Coexistence" book presentation

On December 19, the presentation of the book entitled “Fragments of Armenia’s Soviet Past: Tracing the Armenian-Azerbaijani Coexistence,” published by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of RA took place at Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) office.


The book is the outcome of a research project initiated in 2017. Based on fieldwork and archival material, the book focuses on some fragments of coexistence of Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the Soviet Armenia, as well as on traces and memories of tangible and intangible culture of that coexistence. The book discusses various layers of the Soviet past on the delicate borderline of forgetting and remembering. It brings to the reader’s attention Soviet monuments, popular sacred spaces and pilgrimage sites, and the Azerbaijani Theatre in the Soviet Armenia.


The authors of the research project and the book are Lusine Kharatyan, Arsen Hakobyan and Raffi Kortoshian. The project was implemented by NGO “Hazarashen” Armenian Centre for Ethnological Studies with a grant from EPF within the EU-funded “Peacebuilding through Capacity Enhancement and Civil Society Engagement” (PeaCE) programme.