Երիտասարդական բանկը և մարդու իրավունքները (անգլերեն)

YouthBank program is used to increase the level of understanding of fundamental human rights among YB members and to identify and reduce the major aspects of discriminatory behavior in their communities.

The YB members facilitate anti-discrimination workshops with focus on tolerance and the participation of the younger generation in establishing a society without discrimination, combined with viewing and discussing documentaries and talk shows on tolerance and anti-discrimination, produced by EPF. Following the methodology, YB supported small-scale youth-led projects, such a flash-mob in Goris, where T-shirts with equality mottos were hung in the center of the city, drawing attention to anti-discrimination issues that exist in society nowadays.

Ararat YB funded a basketball contest for people with disabilities. Another project was implemented in Ijevan, where in the central park a poster was prepared with information on human rights fighters, famous art and civic leaders who had been discriminated but became change-makers.