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Network Program on Global Studies

Learn about Stonehill College’s field program on global security studies in Armenia and Serbia, and apply for next year’s internship!

The LION (Learning Inside Out Network) program is an intensive international internship and research opportunity for students interested in theory and practice of global security. The program builds on courses in security studies, conflict analysis and resolution, global crime, international criminal justice, human security, and international development through a semester-long international internship experience with an NGO, think tank or media organization in Armenia or Serbia.

It is open to undergraduate students in Social Sciences and other Colleges and Universities in the United States, who will have an opportunity to take the course on the above-mentioned topics, do an internship, conduct research and have the research published and presented at an international conference. In 2015, this program of Stonehill College has been co-supported by the Eurasia International University and Eurasia Partnership Foundation in Armenia, and several other organizations in Armenia and Serbia which hosted students from the US. Please go to this link for more detail.