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Swedish Contribution to Eurasia Partnership Foundation: ‘Bridge Funding’ for the Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process Programme

The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs granted to Eurasia Partnership Foundation a contribution amounting to 1,900,000 Swedish kronor for a Bridge Funding project to support the EU-funded Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process (ATNP) programme over the period from November 2017 to December 2018. The Bridge Funding project will be implemented by the ATNP Consortium comprising four Armenia-registered CSOs including Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Civilitas Foundation, Regional Studies Center, and Public Journalism Club; and four Turkey-registered CSOs including Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Anadolu Kültür, Hrant Dink Foundation, and the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly. The Bridge Funding project will help sustain the accumulated organizational resource and institutional memory of the ATNP Consortium; sustain the core functions of the Consortium; and keep the momentum with local and international beneficiaries and stakeholders.