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Call For Applications For Conducting Organizational Activity Seminar (OAS)

Terms of Reference

Call for applications for conducting

Organizational Activity Seminar (OAS)

within the scope of CELoG program

Since October 2014, Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) is implementing the USAID-funded Civic Engagement in Local Governance (CELoG) program as a part of the Consortium led by Communities Finance Officers Association (CFOA). The CELoG program is a five-year activity, aimed at increasing civic engagement in decentralization and local self-government reform. It provides citizens with reliable information and strengthens civil society’s capacity to promote effective, accountable and participatory local governance. One of the objectives of the program is to sustain and improve civil society’s ability to engage citizens and articulate their interests in local self-government and in the process of implementation of decentralization reform, as well as the development of recommendations on improvement of the reform process. To this end, among the activities carried out by EPF is the Organizational Activity Seminar (OAS), called also Creative Game, that will involve project stakeholders in developing public strategies for communities’ participation in the decentralization reform.

OAS was included in the program as it presents unique creative brainstorming methodology that consolidates public intellectual resources in the most effective way. Within the scope of the CELoG program, it is planned to conduct three OASs. EPF has already organized OAS at the beginning of the project in February 2015 (1st program year), the results and recommendations can be accessed via this link. The event proved to be highly successful in achieving all its aims, i.e. building stakeholderhship and team work; identifying opportunities, gaps and challenges; suggesting improvements and action points. Some or many of the recommendations which resulted from the event were directly taken on Board by CELoG.

The second OAS will be designed based on the results and outcomes of the first OAS, and its application in project activities. In addition, the reflection of the first two project years and the situation in LG sector in Armenia should be taken into consideration.

Therefore, for conducting the second OAS, EPF is looking for an exceptionally qualified consultant or a team of consultants who should help address above-mentioned program objectives. The incumbent(s) should be able to develop the scenario and run the OAS using the Methodology of Systemic Thought Activity (MSTA), or Creative Games. EPF and other partner organizations used MSTA over the years to elaborate on a number of strategic activities. EPF believes that MSTA is the best method to address program needs related to the strategy development and advancement of the systemic thinking among the program, the Consortium, and its stakeholders. The applicant should have experience in developing the scenario and running the OAS using MSTA.

 Name of the consultancy/service:  Organizational Activity Seminar for CELoG program


  • Develop the scenario for and run a four-day-long OAS based on the MSTA;
  • Help Consortium in the implementation of a qualitative evaluation and diagnostics of the reform progress;
  • Provide set of recommendations on improving the quality of public participation in the LG reform, promoting inter-community communication;
  • Propose adjustments and additional activities in case of identification of any deviation from the initial course;
  • Offer new intervention strategies and project ideas that will be used in other activities of the project, such as small grants, promotion of local initiatives, development of shadow reports and alternative strategies, etc.

It is expected that the consultant(s) will create an interactive environment, which will stimulate communication, encourage creative thinking, strengthen relationships, and energize the participants.

Scope of work:

  • Develop the OAS methodology and the scenario specifically tailored to CELoG program needs;
  • Organize, run and lead the plenaries and group work sessions based on the scenario, taking into account the objectives of the program and the need in the development of new strategies in local self-government;
  • Introduce reflection, team-work, and other MSTA concepts based on the expectations of the participants representing target communities of the project, both LSG and civil society, as well as decision makers and experts;
  • Familiarize the CELoG program stakeholders with MSTA; develop new strategy scenarios and additional involvement mechanisms at the country level that will be capitalized upon by the project;
  • Develop a report on the outcomes of the OAS with recommendations on mechanisms and strategies for civil society’s involvement in decentralization reform, monitoring the reform implementation process and sustaining public participation.

Eligibility:  Applicants can be individuals, groups of individuals, or organizations

In order to bid successfully, interested applicants should possess:

  • At least five years’ experience organizing events based on MSTA;
  • A portfolio of consultancy services provided to well-known companies/organizations inside and outside Arme

The application should include:

  1. A letter of interest reflecting the relevant experience plus the portfolio of past services and organizations served (in a free format);
  2. A draft outline of the MSTA exercise proposed to EPF (draft scenario);
  3. Consultancy daily rates and the required number of days for consultancy; taking into account that the event will take four full days (10-12 hours a day) in a resort outside Yerevan; and there will be 55-60 participants;
  4. CV of the consultant(s) (in the case of a team, the applicants’ combined experience will be considered);

Please send the required documents either in Armenian or English to

In the subject line of your e-mail message, please indicate OAS Consultancy and your name/the name of the organization.

Application deadline is 17:00 on April 25, 2017.

Shortlisted applicants may be invited for an interview.

Successful applicant(s) will be notified by May 2nd, 2017.

There will be a meeting scheduled with the winning applicant to further familiarize themselves with CELoG program requirements.

The Organizational Activity Seminar is scheduled for the second half of May 2017.


This announcement is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this announcement are the sole responsibility of Eurasia Partnership Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
