Aghasi Tadevosyan, Nikol Margaryan: Explanatory Dictionary of Criminal (“Thief”) Slang: English Summary

Despite exerting significant influence on public life and behavior, the phenomenon of semi-criminal behavior has, however, remained a taboo topic in Armenia, with no serious research devoted to it until now. This explanatory dictionary marks the first attempt to address this issue. What sets this dictionary apart is its comprehensive approach; not only does it provide explanations for the words and concepts underpinning the ‘thief’ language but also delves into their societal impact, particularly the impediments they pose to the development of democracy and civil society. Consequently, the significance of this work extends beyond lexicology: it holds sociological importance. Additionally, this dictionary can act as a valuable resource for policymakers.

The dictionary consists of two parts. The first and primary section covers the concepts and words commonly used in criminal slang. The second part includes two analytical articles. The first article explores the culture that shapes the vocabulary and concepts of criminal slang, tracing its historical development and dissemination. The second analyzes the adverse effects of it on public life, examining the key factors and circumstances that foster the spread and advancement of this anti-social and antidemocratic phenomenon.