Hans Koschnick Scholarship for (archival) research visits at the Research Centre for East European Studies

Scholarship I Target groups and conditions

The friends of the Research Centre issue scholarships for archive and research stays at the Research Centre for East European Studies in Bremen. These scholarships are for master students, postgraduates, PhD students, junior and senior researchers. On the one hand, the scholarships serve to conduct individual research in the archive at FSO and/or with the aid of research databases of FSO’s Department of Politics and Economics. On the other hand, scholarship holders are obligated to support our archive through sorting those materials, they are working with, and to provide descriptions.

The stay is supported with a travel allowance of 500,- EUR (300,- EUR if travelling from Germany), as well as up to 500,- EUR for a maximum stay of four weeks. Minimum stay of two weeks is required. Successful applicants will be able to plan their stay between July and December 2022 in consultation with the responsible departments at FSO and if the overall pandemic situation permits. During the scholarship, you are obligated to stay in Bremen. Please note, that for working in the archives and on university campus the so called 3G-regulation applies. This means you must be either vaccinated, recovered, or tested.

Background I Information

In the application form, the project proposal has to refer to specific archival collections at the Research Centre, or specific research data in the department of political science and economics. The FSO archive consists of personal documents, photographs, and works of art by dissidents and emigrants from the former Soviet Union, Poland, and former Czechoslovakia in the second half of the 20th century. Moreover, it accommodates samizdat and tamizdat papers, as well as a newspaper collection.

The Department of Politics and Economics possesses a comprehensive collection of documents by political parties and civil society after the end of socialism and a set of research databases on protests in post-soviet states. Those reflect moments of protest through diverse source material. For further information, see this website, which provides overviews for our collections, several guides to archival collections, as well as our online archival catalogue.

Application I Deadlines and Procedures

Procedure: Please fill in the Application Form in English, German or Russian, and send it as one .pdf-file until 16th January 2022 to the friends of the Research Centre for East European Studies, [email protected]. We will decide about the grants on 1st February 2022. Please download our fact sheet.

Contact I Additional information
Dr Manuela Putz