Ani in Context. Workshop Report

From September 28 to October 5, 2013, an international workshop called Ani in Context was convened in Turkey’s Kars region.​ ​​​​​​The workshop coincided with an increased interest in Ani since a 2012 initiative by the Turkish government to enter the walled medieval city on the tentative list for World Heritage.

The purpose of the workshop was to extend the focus to include other important heritage sites in the region with a relationship to Ani, and to assess current conditions, as well as the significance and preservation potential of the surveyed sites.

By gathering a team of experts from Turkey, Armenia, Russia, Macedonia, the United States, France, and Norway, it was possible to explore the sites through a number of expert lenses and thus develop a richer and more comprehensive understanding of the architectural heritage of the region. This report presents the main findings of the workshop, and includes some suggestions for possible follow-up activities.