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Assessing application of UN Mechanisms on Freedom of Religion in Armenia

This study is being carried out by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation from December 2013 to February 2014 and focuses on issues of freedom of religion in Armenia. It particularly examines the extent to which UN Human Rights mechanisms-and in particular, recommendations of UN Charter and Treaty Bodies on freedom of religion- are incorporated into Armenian legislation or reflected in governmental policies and practices.

The research is intended to be useful first and foremost to the Armenian Government. However, we believe that it can also be used by international organizations, intergovernmental bodies and local NGOs dealing with human rights. Taking into consideration the anticipated reader group of the paper, the study is rather concentrated on concrete recommendations, analyses and principles, while omitting widely-known facts and details. Nevertheless, wherever we feel that there is an obvious lack of information, or more elaboration is needed for grasping the argument, we also provide the necessary basic data.