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EPF Anti-Corruption Policies

EPF has a zero tolerance approach when it comes to bribery and corruption. EPF has designed its policies and procedures to prevent any corruption risk and provides organizations employees, grantees and partners with necessary mechanisms to alert corruption risks in case of its appearance. EPFs major anti-corruption tools are transparency and accountability in organizations’ program, administrative and financial management. EPF pays special attention to the level of general awareness among its employees, grantees and partners about the notion of corruption, its typology and major tools of corruption prevention. The three major pillars of preventing and fighting corruption are procedures, awareness, focal point on anti-corruption. 

Major tools and mechanisms ensuring corruption prevention and addressing corruption risks

  • Capacity building and awareness raising of EPF staff and partners/grantees on essence of the corruption, its typology and major mechanisms of preventing and fighting corruption. EPF provides its employees with the necessary training and information during the orientation session and annual retreats.  

  • Ensuring transparent and accountable decision making in administrative, program and financial management. EPF has all the necessary procedures in place to ensure transparent and accountable procurement, grant selection and management, employment and service provision.

  • EPF has all necessary procedures to address Conflict of Interest (CoI) situations as the main factor of corruption risk appearance. Namely, EPF employees fill the COI declaration on annual basis and are obliged to declare CoI cases if they appear during decision making. Each CoI case is considered separately, EPF considers the maximal transparency in addressing CoI as the main preventive tool of addressing corruption risks. There shall be zero suspect in every case of CoI that the situation is coruptogenic. 

  • EPF has assigned focal point on anti-corruption who is responsible for monitoring CoI cases, receiving and investigating corruption alerts, revising policies and procedures, organizing awareness raising and capacity building on issues related to corruption prevention and anti-corruption fight. Every employee, partner and grantee can anonymously reach the focal point to address issues related to corruption risks. 

EPF Anti-Corruption Policies

How to Live in Armenia and Avoid Corruption

Conflict of Interest Training

EPF Staff Ethical and Fiduciary Obligations

Internal Control and COI Training

EF Fraud Awareness and Prevention Training (in Russian)

Script for Internal Control Training

EPF SMT Training - (Fraud Awareness)

Ethical Questions

Report: Plagiarism in Armenia

EPF Publishing Algorithm



Please, see also other related policy pages: EPF Risk Management Policy ; EPF Policies on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse; EPF IT Policy
